Friday, April 1, 2011

Living life and drinking tea

I just realized that I am living life- right now! Over the last week, I have felt really alive- not that there was particular beauty discovered in nature, or I began meditating and doing yoga, or anything like that. It wasn't like in the sound of music opening scene with Fraulein Maria living life and singing in the hills kind of live-it-up life is full of vibrancy-and-wonder type of discovering I am living life. I was more like the kind of making a fun little sand castle on the beach which is crushed to smithereens by a tidal sneaker wave which sucks you out to sea, pulling you under water before you get a breath of anything more than the sand your face is being dragged across, blinded by salt water as tons-upon-tons of water smash bits of your body on other bits foot-cut-open-on-nasty-coral, struggling to surface and somehow making it, gasping for breath, but surprised to be alive, living life kind of feeling. I think this is because when all this happens to you, your sensory faculties go on high alert, looking out for danger. This must be why people like bungee jumping, and all that. The adeneline. Though I'm not sure how much adreneline you have left at 3 in the morning after 6 consecutive hours of staring at 4 math problems. Still a great feeling though once you get past it.

As for the tea I talked about, or rather didn't, in my last entry, yes. Tea is great- its just leaves and water! And it smells so good. I drink earl grey hot, like Picard. You may think Picard is being kinda pretentious ordering earl grey "hot" not just earl grey, but have you tried earl grey hot (i.e. hot enough to burn your mouth if you take more than a thimble of a sip at once)- if I could see flavors, there would be a visible difference between the two.

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